Bullets Galore


In April I decided the Momentum Planner wasn’t working for me anymore. It wasn’t just that the planner only gave me eight boxes to work with … as though we live 8 hour days! It was also that the boxes were rigid and the format required a big three-ring binder that was getting heavy to carry around and wouldn’t fit in my purse.

So I decided to try Bullet Journaling. I saw an inspiring presentation about bullet journaling as a spiritual practice from a colleague, and I decided to give it a whirl.

I LOVE it!

  • It’s flexible. When I have a complicated day or week, I can use up lots of pages organizing it. When I don’t need the space to plan a day, I can go with a shorter space.
  • It’s easy. If you can make a list, you can bullet journal.
  • It’s fun and can be pretty. I got myself some stencils, nice pens, and stickers. If you draw, you could decorate and doodle as well.
  • It works. I’m staying on top of many projects, and have menu plans, exercise goals, appointments, and zone cleaning rotations also noted in the journal. I can also note things like when I last gave the dogs their flea treatment, etc.


If you are interested in trying this, you don’t have to spend a bunch of money. You can use any journal or notebook, any pens. The basic principle is so simple: just make lists, including page numbers or tabs so you can find those lists again. Voila!


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